Why practice trekking?

Why this woman practice trek ? For beautiful landscapes for sure!
Image by Free-Photos onPixabay

Now that you know what a trek is (see our previous article), the question is “why practice trekking”. We all have our reasons to love treks. So everybody won’t have the same answer to this question. For example, regarding myself, the main attractions that I find are:

  • often astonishing landscapes that amaze me
  • calm, far from the urban turmoil which allow me to think out of the box
  • sharing of these privileged moments with a group of friends or my family

But if I want to be more complete, I get some help from another website. Indeed, here is a list of 10 reasons to love this. Moreover, I would even add an eleventh:

Strengthened Social Connections – By living a great adventure together, you will build or grow stronger bonds in your group. Whether friends or family, hiking is a privileged time of exchange. It can even be a way to gather some business team!

Now that you know why practice trekking, I’m sure you can’t wait to trek. So all you have to do is choose your trek to benefit from all that! 😉

If it’s your first trek, you can check these tips to choose the right one for you. Indeed, it’s generally better to train a little before trying to trek the Everest !

why practice trekking ? To meet different people with different cultures
Image by truthseeker08 on Pixabay

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