This country, straddling the two continents of Asia and Oceania, is made up of more than 13,000 islands on an area almost as large as that of Mexico. Suffice to say that diversity is the key words here: Whether for landscapes, culture, fauna or flora… So many answers to the question “Why hike in Indonesia?”.
To discover Indonesian wildlife
The islands, by their geographical isolation, often have the advantage of developing endemic wildlife. As Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, its bio-diversity is important. And it’s just as important to preserve it. If we present only two of the most emblematic animals of the country, there are many others: tiger, rhinoceros, Sumatran elephant,…
The Komodo Dragon
It is simply the largest lizard in the world. Capable of attacking deer-sized animals, these reptiles still live in the wild in the Komodo Islands Park. To be seen at a good distance then!
Borneo’s Orang-Outan

Its natural habitat unfortunately decreases due to deforestation. Let us hope that tourism leads the country to develop a large nature reserve and a program to safeguard them.
To walk in a variety of landscapes
Volcanoes, beaches, jungle… everyone will appreciate Indonesia according to their tastes.
Climbing Indonesia’s volcanoes
Located at the crossroads of different tectonic plates, volcanic activity is intense in Indonesia. If this can give rise to terrible eruptions, it is also an opportunity to appreciate beautiful landscapes, such as Mount Merapi in Borneo above. In addition, the volcanic land has enriched the soils, favouring vegetation.
Walking through the rainforest

The Indonesian forest was in 2005 the third largest rainforest 1. It therefore offers great hiking opportunities. Once again, the more the country is aware that the rainforest is an economic asset for tourism, the more likely it is that deforestation will stop.
And end with a walk at the beach

Who says islands, necessarily says coastline… beaches are therefore ubiquitous in Indonesia. And with them, all activities related to the sea if you wish.
To discover a myriad of cultures

In New Indonesian Guinea, about 250 languages are spoken 2. This is one of the peculiarities of the country. And this variety is undoubtedly the explanation of the great hospitality and tolerance of Indonesians.
For its gastronomy

Indonesian cuisine is a reflection of its geography: varied and rich in influence. Commonly used ingredients are: coconut milk, chilli, peanut, soy and banana. To quote some typical dishes:
- Sate: meat skewer
- Rendang: meat cooked with coconut milk and spices for hours
- Bakso: meatball
- Krupuk: shrimp chips
Convinced why hike in Indonesia? Don’t forget to check your visas, vaccines and other… You can check out our list to remember nothing!