Why hiking in Bulgaria?

Cathédrale Alexandre Nevski à Sofia en Bulgarie

With Greece and Turkey to the south, the Danube and Romania to the north, and finally Serbia and Northern Macedonia to the west, Bulgaria is well surrounded! This has given the country a rich history: the land of ancient Thrace, the cradle of the Cyrillic alphabet… The geography is also full with many mountains and a beautiful part of coastline on the Black Sea. Plus... “Why hiking in Bulgaria?”

Itinerant horseback riding

Cowgirl au Canada

Itinerant horseback riding offers another way to discover an area than traditional walking.

The benefits of the equestrian hike

Horseback riding in the almeria
Image by Genius4Hire of Pixabay

Compared to hiking, the horse allows, among other things:

  • discover landscapes from a different angle, because you are higher than usual
  • approach animals that would not be seen otherwise
  • travel longer distances
  • create a link with his mount

What level for a trekking on horseback?

Plus... “Itinerant horseback riding”

How to find a good local travel agency?


As we specialize in connecting travellers and local agencies around the world, an important part of our business is finding good agencies. Once this work is done, we do not stop there, we also:

  • Help you find the trip that’s right for you from our tailor-made or tailor-made offerings
  • Follow up on the organization and stay tuned
  • Insure the payment by credit card to make you benefit from its insurance

However, you don’t necessarily need the above points. Plus... “How to find a good local travel agency?”


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