Jordan is a true haven of peace in the region. Indeed, despite its tumultuous neighbours (Sirye, Israel, Iraq, Cisjodania and Saudi Arabia), the country manages to preserve its calm and security. Plus... “Why hike in Jordan?”
How to avoid mountain sickness?
Mountain sickness, or Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is a phenomenon that can occur in any person when certain conditions are met. The latter are not clearly defined because they depend on each organism. Plus... “How to avoid mountain sickness?”
Why hiking in Poland?
Did you know that this Central European country has one of the five European deserts with the desert of Bledow? Or that more than one percent of its territory is protected by national parks? Plus... “Why hiking in Poland?”
Itinerant hikes in the Alps
The Alps are an important European massif that stretches from France to Austria via Italy, Switzerland and Germany, as shown in the map below. At present, we offer itinerant hikes in the Alps only in the French part, specifically the Belledonne, Giffre and Mont Blanc massifs. Plus... “Itinerant hikes in the Alps”