Trekking consists of hiking in small groups for several days, it offers many benefits for health and the mind. Having already detailed in a previous article, we will not return to it. Indeed, the purpose of this article is to consider this activity from the perspective of an employer. These two worlds have one thing in common: there is talk of a team seeking to achieve a goal. To the question “is trekking good for team building?”, Our answer is yes.

And, as there is already a good article to explain the reasons of this answer. I’ll just give you the link. I’ll just be more careful with the part talking about AMS (acute mountain sickness). Regarding this, I have only one advice: stop climbing and go down. AMS can be deadly…
If you’re too lazy to read the full article, here is a summary of the entreprise useful things you can learn or improve in trekking :
- Step forward step by step
- Lend a hand to those in difficulty
- Improve your mental endurance
- Always going forward
- Do not forget to enjoy the trip
And you, now, would you answer the question “Is trekking good for team building?”