As a reminder, eco-tourism consists of tourism in natural landscapes with a low impact on its environment and beneficial for local populations. And for the more curious, you will find more information on the Wikipedia page. Indeed, trekking is an activity that is fully in line with this approach. If you want more information on trekking see our dedicated article). Now that the definition is in place, we will be able to answer the question “where to practice eco-tourism?”.

If it is possible to practice this tourism everywhere, some countries lend themselves more than others. In any case, it is the opinion of who has established a TOP 5 (in french though). Although it is often necessary to fly to get there … And this is not necessarily the means of transport with the least impact on the environment.
At the time of writing, you can find the English speaking treks we offer in Brazil (which is part of this TOP 5). As you may know, Brazil is famous for its exceptional flora and fauna. Which is quite normal because it’s the country of the Amazon rain forest, the largest forest on the planet!
If you want to perfect your french, you can also try our french speaking treks in Costa Rica, Thailand, Equator or Mongolia! That’s all! So, now you can choose where to practice eco-tourism.