How to buy plane tickets?

As you can see from our sales site, our offers are usually located abroad. It is therefore often necessary to fly to get there. That’s why we made a small selection of articles showing how to buy your plane tickets in the best conditions. We hope you’ll find this helpful!

How to buy plane tickets?
Image by milenqqa on Pixabay

When to buy your ticket?

As we all know, the moment of purchase is a determining factor in ticket prices. Also not to leave all your wallet, we invite you to consult this article: When do you book a flight to get the best price?

How to gain comfort?

VIP lounges can make a stopover more enjoyable or productive. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to be a millionaire to benefit from it. The proof with this article: For flights with stopover, how to access VIP lounges?

What does my ticket entitle me to?

When you buy a ticket, there is a set of services that are sold with. Particularly regarding cancellation and refunds. To know them better, you can check What rights gives you the purchase of your ticket?

Now that you have the answer to “how to buy plane tickets?” What if you order yours ?


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