The beginning
We are now on September 2nd and we start the second day of our trek in Chong Kemin (the third day of our stay so). The night went well despite the cold. Plus... “Nomadic trails in Kyrgyzstan – 3/10”
We are now on September 2nd and we start the second day of our trek in Chong Kemin (the third day of our stay so). The night went well despite the cold. Plus... “Nomadic trails in Kyrgyzstan – 3/10”
After a hearty breakfast and a short trip by Jeep, we do the trek beginning in Kyrgyzstan. During our first hours of walking, we meet several riders. Plus... “Nomadic trails in Kyrgyzstan – 2/10”
That’s it! We are the 30/08, day of departure for our discovery trek of nomadic trails in Kyrgyzstan. Everything is stalled: the driver Uber (which I use for the first time) is planned, I have my electronic tickets in the phone and the bags are buckled. Plus... “Nomadic trails in Kyrgyzstan – 1/10”