Why trekking in Bolivia?

Why Trekking in Bolivia ? Because it means giving yourself the opportunity to explore the Andes mountain range in a country that once belonged to the Inca Empire. Indeed, like its neighbors such as Peru or Colombia, part of its territory is covered with mountains and sheltered the Incas. However, it has its peculiarities that we suggest you discover in this article.

Discover the Bolivian landscapes

Bolivia has a great variety of landscapes, between cordillera, high plateaus, and Amazon basin. Here is an overview below.

Uyuni Salar in Bolivia
Image by mailanmaik on Pixabay

The Uyuni salt flats

It is one of the emblematic places of Bolivia. It is quite simply the largest salt desert in the world. This is also where more than half of the exploitable lithium reserve would be … Hopefully the use of this metal for batteries will not make this extraordinary place disappear.

The Amazon jungle of Bolivia

Monkey in the Bolivian jungle
Image by Roman Bader on Pixabay

The Amazon rainforest is immense. Indeed, it crosses the South American continent from east to west. It is therefore possible to make an excursion there when you are in Bolivia.


Bolivian hot spring
Image by sgrunden on Pixabay

The country being located in full “ring of fire”, it has many volcanoes. However, most are no longer considered to be active. Nevertheless, some still are and the presence of hot springs attests to it.

The Andes Cordillera

This highest chain in the Americas, but also the longest in the world, is present in many countries of South America. Bolivia therefore has its share of mountains where it is possible to climb peaks often over 5000m or observe condors and llamas.

Huayna Potosi mountain in Bolivia
Image by Rav_ on Pixabay

Discover ancient civilizations near Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is indeed considered the cradle of the first Inca. Yet it was already the place of view of previous civilization, such as the Tiwanakus, considered the first Andean empire. A place steeped in history, in addition to being a classic place of passage to see the floating islands built of reeds.

Floating island on Lake Titicaca in Bolivia
Image by licenerenck on Pixabay

Discover the Bolivian traditions

The Bolivian tradition is still very present. It is fueled by still strong animistic beliefs which blend in harmony with the later Christian religion. From then on, many events bring it to life, such as the Oruro carnival, classified as a World Heritage Site and illustrated in the photo above. It is also possible to go to the witches market in La Paz.

Convinced of why trekking in Bolivia? The recommended season to go there is from May to October. And do not forget to check your visas, vaccines and others … You can consult our list to not forget anything!


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